First Junit Test

We have a scenario where there are three individual unit tests needed to be executed in Java. So, we will be using Junit as unit testing framework to achieve this task. Lets see with an example

Before using Junit :





Observations Without Using Junit :
1.If we want to execute all the three tests Test1,Test2 and Test3 then we need go individually to each and every class to execute the files.

2.No Reporting mechanism, like how many passed or failed status we cannot capture.

By using Junit, both the above will be addressed.

After Using JUnit :
We are making each java file as an @Test and executing our unit tests as below.

Step 1 : Write the First JUnit Test by importing packages

Import the below package, which contains @Test annotation. If we want to use any methods available in JUnit, we need to import that respective packages.

import org.junit.Test;

Step 2 : Define the @Test annotation method using Junit

Place every java file code within @Test as per the above Test1,Test2, files

Step 3 : let’s collate all the code into single step



Step 4 : Execute the Test using Junit from Eclipse

Step 5 : Result from Junit

Observations After Using Junit :
No main method i.e Public static void main(String args[]) is used.
Result is generated by integrating JUnit with Java.

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